Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The Inspiring Journey of English (Part-2)


 The Inspiring Journey of English (Part-2)

The Rise of Patriotism in England

In the previous chapter, we discussed how English was once looked down upon by the nobles as the language of the poor and illiterate, while French and Latin were considered more prestigious. However, in the early 14th century, the Hundred Years' War between England and France brought about a change in the perception of English.

The Hundred Years' War was a long-lasting conflict between England and France that spanned from 1337 to 1453. It was a series of intermittent wars, not a continuous battle, and the name "Hundred Years' War" was actually coined by historians in the 19th century.The war saw many famous battles, including Agincourt, Crécy, and Poitiers.

English kings such as Edward III and Henry V used the English language to inspire their troops and create a sense of unity and pride among the English people. At the Battle of Agincourt in 1415, Henry V delivered a famous speech in English that invoked the idea of a united and proud English nation. This victory was a turning point in the Hundred Years' War and helped to cement the importance of English as a language of national unity.

As a result, English began to gain more recognition and status as a language of national importance. The rise in patriotic sentiment and national pride in England also contributed to the development of English literature, which started to flourish in the 14th century.

In conclusion, the Hundred Years' War played a significant role in the rise of patriotism in England and the recognition of English as a language of national importance. This event also contributed to the development of English literature and its eventual rise as a global language."

Understanding the Text

  1. What do you understand by 'Hundred Years War'?
  2. How did English kings like Edward III and Henry V contribute to the recognition of English as the national language of England?
  3. What was special about Henry V's speech in English at the Battle of Agincourt, and how did it affect people's views of the language?
  4. How did the rise in patriotism play a key role in the development of English?

The Inspiring Journey of English (Part-2)

                                           The Inspiring Journey of English (Part-2) The Rise of Patriotism in England In the previous chapt...