A verb is the word that shows what the subject is doing, feeling, or experiencing.

Here are some sentences:
The cat purrs loudly.
She is singing a happy song.
They will travel to Paris next year.
The flowers smell sweet.
I have finished my homework.


    Transitive Verbs

A transitive verb is a verb that requires a direct object to complete its meaning. The direct object is the noun or pronoun that receives the action of the verb.
She reads books. (Books is the direct object)
They built a house. (House is the direct object)

Intransitive Verbs

An intransitive verb does not require a direct object to complete its meaning. It expresses a complete action without needing to act upon something or someone.
The baby sleeps peacefully.
They laughed heartily.

Note: Some verbs can be both transitive and intransitive depending on how they are used in a sentence.
She sings beautifully. (Intransitive)
She sings a song. (Transitive)

Auxiliary Verbs

An auxiliary verb (also called a helping verb) is a verb that supports the main verb in a sentence. It helps to form verb tenses, moods, and voices.

Common auxiliary verbs:
Be (am, is, are, was, were, being, been)
Have (has, have, had, having)
Do (do, does, did)

She is singing. (is is the auxiliary verb)
They have finished their work. (have is the auxiliary verb)
Do you like pizza? (do is the auxiliary verb)

Auxiliary Verbs as Modals

For action to be started in near future:

Is to : Meena is to collect this parcel in two days.

Are to : We are to embark into this adventurous project only this year

Am to: I am to finish my drink in another two seconds.

For action to be started in the past:

Was to: He was to tell us something about his new job. (But he could not)

Were to: They were to get married this December. (but did not

For compulsion:

Has to: She has to complete this file by tomorrow.

Have to: We have to read all the headlines carefully to search that one.

Had to: They had to accept his resignation.

Short Answers And Question Tags With Helping Verbs

Short Answers:

Namrata looks gorgeous in this dress.

Yes, she does./ No, she doesn’t.

Vidhi is looking a bit upset today.

Yes, she is/ no she isn’t.

You resemble with your brother.

Yes I do/ no I don’t.

Have they announced the judgment in our favour?

Yes, they have/ no, they haven’t.

Did you come late yesterday?

Yes I did/ no, I didn’t.

John had put much hard work in these exams.

Yes, he had/ no, he hadn’t

Tom will help us.

Yes, he will/ no, he won’t.

Question Tags:

She came early in the morning. Did n’t she?

We always supported you. Did n’t we?

Namrata speaks very softly. Doesn’t she?

You have already selected your book. Haven’t you?

Ricky will tell us the truth. Won’t he?


The three primary forms of a verb - the base form (V1), the past simple (V2), and the past participle (V3) - are crucial for constructing accurate and meaningful sentences in English. They serve as the building blocks for various verb tenses, allowing us to express actions and states of being across different time frames. Verbs are classified as regular or irregular based on their patterns of forming the three principal parts.

Regular and Irregular Verbs

Regular Verbs-Follow a predictable pattern for forming the past tense and past participle by adding -ed or -d to the base form.

Walk - walked - walked
Play - played - played
Help - helped - helped

Irregular Verbs-Do not follow a predictable pattern for forming the past tense and past participle. Often change their internal vowel or have completely different forms.

Go - went - gone
See - saw - seen
Eat - ate - eaten

Irregular Verbs are of three types-

1. Verbs with all the three forms same- Cut Cut Cut

2. Verbs with two of the three forms same- Come Came Come

3. Verbs with all three forms different; they are also called the strong verbs- Break Broke Broken

*Weak Verbs-A term often used interchangeably with regular verbs.
form the past tense and past participle by adding -ed, -d, or -t to the base form.

Want - wanted - wanted
Call - called - called
Help - helped - helped

Note: All regular verbs are weak verbs, but not all weak verbs are regular. Some weak verbs have irregular forms, such as "bring - brought - brought."

All Three Forms Are Same-

Base Form             Past Tense                 Past Participle

Bet                           bet                               bet

Burst                        burst                            burst

Cost                         cost                             cost

Cut                          cut                               cut

Hit                            hit                                hit

Hurt                         hurt                              hurt

Let                           let                                let

Put                           put                               put

Read                       read                             read

Set                           set                               set

Shut                         shut                             shut

Split                         split                             split

Spread                    spread                         spread

Two of The Forms Are the Same-

Beat                         beat                             beaten

Become                   became                       become

Bend                        bent                             bent

Bleed                       bled                             bled

Breed                      bred                             bred

Bring                       brought                       brought

Burn                        burnt/burned               burnt/ burned

Buy                         bought                         bought

Catch                      caught                         caught

Come                      came                            come

Creep                      crept                            crept

Deal                         dealt                            dealt

Dig                           dug                              dug

Dream                     dreamt/dreamed         dreamt/dreamed

Feed                        fed                                fed

Fight                        fought                          fought

Find                         found                           found

Get                           got                               got

Hang                       hung/hanged               hung/hanged

Have                        had                              had

Hear                        heard                           heard

Hold                         held                             held

Keep                        kept                             kept

Lay                          laid                               laid

Lead                        led                              led

Lean                        leant/leaned                leant / leaned

Learn                       learnt/ learned             learnt/learned

Leap                        leapt/leaped                leapt/leaped

Leave                      left                               left

Lend                        lent                              lent

Light                        lit                                  lit

Lose                        lost                               lost

Make                       made                           made

Mean                       meant                          meant

Meet                        met                              met

Pay                          paid                             paid

Run                          ran                               run

Say                          said                             said

Sell                          sold                             sold

Send                        sent                             sent

Shine                       shone                         shone

Shoot                       shot                            shot

Sit                            sat                               sat

Sleep                       slept                            slept

Smell                       smelt/smelled             smelt/smelled

Spell                        spelt/spelled               spelt/spelled

Spend                      spent                           spent

Spill                         spilt/spilled                 spilt/spilled

Spit                          spat                             spat

Spoil                        spoilt/spoiled              spoilt/spoiled

Stand                       stood                           stood

Stick                         stuck                           stuck

Sting                        stung                           stung

Strike                       struck                          struck

Sweep                      swept                          swept

Swing                       swung                         swung

Teach                       taught                          taught

Tell                            told                              told

Think                        thought                       thought

Understand              understood                understood

Win                           won                              won

Wind                         wound                          wound

All Three Forms Are Different-

Be                            was/were                     been

Begin                       began                          begun

Bite                          bit                                bitten

Blow                        blew                             blown

Break                       broke                           broken

Choose                    chose                          chosen

Do                            did                               done

Draw                        drew                           drawn

Drink                       drank                           drunk

Drive                       drove                           driven

Eat                           ate                               eaten

Fall                          fell                               fallen

Fly                           flew                             flown

Forbid                      forbade                      forbidden

Forget                      forgot                         forgotten

Forgive                    forgave                       forgiven

Freeze                     froze                            frozen

Give                         gave                            given

Go                           went                             gone

Grow                       grew                            grown

Hide                         hid                               hidden

Know                       knew                            known

Lie                           lay                                 lain

Mistake                   mistook                       mistaken

Ride                         rode                             ridden

Ring                         rang                             rung

Rise                         rose                             risen

See                          saw                              seen

Sew                         sewed                          sewn/sewed

Shake                      shook                          shaken

Show                       showed                       shown

Shrink                      shrank                        shrunk

Sing                         sang                            sung

Sink                         sank                            sunk

Speak                      spoke                          spoken

Spring                      sprang                        sprung

Steal                        stole                            stolen

Stink                        stank                           stunk

Swear                      swore                          sworn

Swim                       swam                           swum

Take                        took                             taken

Tear                         tore                              torn

Throw                      threw                           thrown

Wake                       woke                            woken

Wear                       wore                              worn

Write                        wrote                           written

The following verbs have a past participle form ending in ‘en’ which is used adjectivally.

Drink                        drunk                          drunken

Melt                         melted                         molten

Prove                       proved                         proven

Shave                      shaved                        shaven

Shear                      sheared                       shorn

Shrink                      shrunk                        shrunken

Sink                         sunk                            sunken

Strike                       struck                          stricken


Verb Conjugation

Verb conjugation is the process of changing the form of a verb to indicate different persons, numbers, tenses, moods, or voices.

In simpler terms, it's how a verb changes to fit the specific context of a sentence.

Factors Affecting Verb Conjugation

  • Person: First person (I, we), second person (you), third person (he, she, it, they)
  • Number: Singular (one) or plural (more than one)
  • Tense: Present, past, future, and their various forms (simple, continuous, perfect)
  • Mood: Indicative (statements), imperative (commands), subjunctive (wishes, possibilities)
  • Voice: Active (subject performs the action) or passive (subject receives the action)

*We will practice verb conjugation in the chapters on tenses.


Identify the Transitive and Intransitive verbs and write ‘T’ for Transitive and ‘I’ for ‘ Intransitive’ in the space provided below:

a. The child was sleeping peacefully._________

b. The girl sneered at the traveller.__________

c. The monkeys ate up all the mangoes.________

d. His cloak rubbed against my dress. _________

e. You always speak very slowly._________


Provide the suitable form of verb in the following gaps:

When I _______ (reach) the venue, the function had already ____ (get) over and all the guests were ______ (take) leave from the host. I _______ (feel) very much ________ (embarrass) and _______ (keep) standing in a corner for a long time. I was ______ (curse) myself for my habit of being late. It always _____ (put) me in such awkward situations. Now my brain was swiftly _____ (think) to form a plausible excuse that I could use as my safeguard.


Provide the suitable short answers and question tags for the following:

a. She is as beautiful as a fairy. ________?


b. Sheena always speaks the truth. ________?


c. Our company cares for its employees. ________ ?


d. We never asked him any personal question. _________?


e. They have never fulfilled their promises. _________?

_________________________________________ .

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