Present Tense

 Present tense is a verb tense used to describe actions or states that are happening now, or that are habitual or generally true. It's the most common tense in English and is used in various contexts, from simple descriptions to expressing ongoing actions and general truths.

Present Simple


This tense simply talks about the present qualities of Nouns and Pronouns, such as-

Suman is a teacher.

It is very cold today.

Kullu and Manali are two beautiful hill stations in Himachal Pradesh.

We have no paper to waste.

India has everything that a tourist wants to see.




Affirmative- Sub+ is/am/are/has/have+ predicate

I am a junior assistant.

He is my colleague.

They have many good friends here.

We have kind neighbors.


Negative- Sub+is/am/are+ not+ predicate

He is not a good fellow.

The storm has no mercy.

I have no invitation for this party. / I don’t have invitation for this party.

These dogs are not well fed.


Interrogative Positive- W/H+ is/am/are/has/have+Sub+ predicate?

Am I a student?

Are they Americans?

Have you an extra pen? / Do you have an extra pen?

Is he a writer?


Interrogative Negative- W/H+ is/am/are/has/have+Sub+not+ predicate?

Is your teacher not well today?

Why are the doctors not in the hospital?

Has she no friends? / Does she have no friends?

Is China not a member of this organization?



Story Based On Present Simple Tense


The Land of Vedic Age

It is a wonderful morning. The sky is clear and the sun is bright. There is no crowd on the roads and no noise. The sweet morning air is fresh and rejuvenating.  There are no smoky chimneys. The air is fragrant with the scent of flowers. Where are we? Are we in heaven? Is it not the earth? Yes! We are very much on the earth but not in a crowded town or city of modern times. We are in a beautiful valley of Himalayas where nature is the only ruler. Here the people are not yet infected with the selfish and materialistic lifestyle of modern age. This is the beautiful, pure, grateful and divine India of the Vedic age, the age of true and immortal saints, sages, gods and gandharvas!




A.         Answer the following questions-

1.      How is the morning?

2.      Is the air dull and depressing? If not, then how is it?

3.      Is the author in the heaven?

4.      Where are the author and his friends?

5.      What kind of people are there?

6.      What are the traits of the Vedic age of India?


B.           Edit the following:

a)      Nirmala is a students                                       _______

b)      Her friends is helpful                                       _______

c)      I is also a good friend of hers                         _______

d)      We are punctual and regular student           _______

e)      All our teacher are caring and concerned    _______


C.        Rearrange the following:

a)      doctor is Vidya not a.

b)      Indian by I am birth an.

c)      my she not is. neighbour

d)      same he is not the ? singer

e)      documents where my? are


Word Power!

          Write down the antonyms of the following-Noise, Materialistic, Selfish, Divine.

          Write down the synonyms of the following- Rejuvenating, Fragrant, Heaven, Grateful.


Writing Skills!

Make sentences with the following words- Nature, Earth, Sun, Sky, Flowers.



Present Indefinite


This Tense talks about the –

Routines                    -           I go to school. We do not play basketball daily.

Habits                         -           Varun takes exercise before getting ready for the office. Anita does not eat onion.

Likes and Dislikes    -           I like Kulfi Faluda. Rashmi does not like cardamom.

Universal truths        -           The Earth moves round the Sun.




Affirmative: Sub (I/we/you/plural) +v1+obj.

Sub(third person singular)+v1+ ‘s’/ ‘es’+obj.


I play cricket.            We go to temple.    They drink coffee.    Elephants like sugar cane.

She plays piano.      He goes to library.   It exhales oxygen.   Elephant likes sugar cane.


Negative:Sub (I/we/you/plural)+do not+v1+obj.

Sub(third person singular)+does not+v1+ ‘s’/ ‘es’+obj.


I do not study astrology.                 We do not drink hard drinks

She does not learn French.            My servant does not cook North Indian food.


Interrogative Positive: W/H +do/does+sub+v1+obj?

Does Nanny like coffee?                 Why does he read this book?

Do you play football?                       Where do you go for French classes?


Interrogative Negative: W/H +do/does+ sub+not+v1+obj?

Does Victor not like snakes?          When do we not help you?

Do you not read epics?                   Why does banana tree not bear fruits twice?


Story Based On Present Indefinite Tense


My Gurudev

My Gurudev lives in Ambala. He is a great saint. We visit Ambala once in a year on the auspicious occasion of Kartik Purnima. Disciples come from every quarter of the globe to pay their homage to his great self. He does not sit on the throne to bless devotees like other spiritual gurus do; instead, Swamiji personally attends each and every disciple, no matter how long the queue is. Thousands of disciples come to see him and he keeps standing and moving to talk to them. He is the highest authority of the largest sage community of India and is responsible to anoint new sages. He takes the first dip in the holy river at the auspicious occasion of Mahakumbha; still he does not behave like an arrogant or a prudent personality. His tall figure, bright forehead, cheerful smile, and self-possessed manners, all create a rainbow aura of peaceful yet bright, humble yet confident, loving yet awesome colors of a true incarnation of Trinity. One, who does not know about his highest spiritual level, does not require any prior information to judge the level of his achievements since his entire personality itself is the reflection of the divine flame that brightens his body and soul.



Q1.      Answer the following questions in one line:

a)            Where does the writer’s Gurudev live?

b)            How frequently does she visit Ambala?

c)            When does she visit Ambala?

d)            Why do the disciples come to Ambala on the Kartik Purnima?

e)            How does her Gurudev differ from other spiritual gurus?

f)             Who takes the first dip in Mahakumbha?

g)            How does the authoress describe the personality of her Gurudev?


Q2.           Edit the following:

a)            Vienna visit the church every Sunday_________

b)            I does not accompany her every time __________

c)            Though I wants to go with her _________

d)            But the fanaticism of the parsons prevent me ________

e)            And so I worship the God only in my heart. __________


Q3.           Re-arrange the following:

a)            Morning/./I/ at/ the/ get/up/ 6 o’ clock/ in

b)            not /samosas/./like /Nenny /does

c)            go /every day/ to/ Does/ Veena/ gym/?

d)            to /does /not /them /Anita /Why/ speak/?

e)            Does/ chapter/ learn/ How/ Anjali/ the/?


Word Power!

a)            Write Down The Synonyms Of -Auspicious, Homage, Aura, Incarnation, Awesome, Rainbow.

b)            Write Down The Antonyms Of - Humble, Responsible, Confident, Disciple, Simple.


Writing Skills!

Write a paragraph on your favourite teacher in 50-80 words.


Present Continuous


Present continuous is used when an action is in progress/happening at the time of speaking.

She is drinking water.

I am learning French these days.




AFFIRMATIVE: SUB+is/am/are+V1+ING+ obj.

These days I am learning Spanish.

We are analysing your new project.

He is waiting for the right time.

She is feeling better now.


NEGATIVE: SUB+is/am/are+not +V1+ING+ obj.

They are not responding to our polite requests.

I am not criticising your project.



Where are you working these days?

Was Anita going to gym regularly in January?


INTERROGATIVE NEGATIVE: W/H + is/am/are + SUB +not+V1+ING+ obj.?

Is john not taking interest in his favourite cartoon series?

Why is Amrita not participating in this play?


Story Based on Present Continous Tense


Project Kalindi

Hello friends! Today I am standing at Kalindi Ghat where members of project Kalindi are celebrating their first Basant Panchami Utsav. Here I am seeing everyone in different shades of yellow. Some members are busy in organizing boat service for those who are coming to immerse their Saraswati idols and others are taking care of pollution free immersions. The young boys at ghat are distributing paper bags to those who are having their contents in plastic bags. Some others are separating hazardous items from the bio degradable ones. Members in the pandal are selling natural foods and beverages; classes to make such items are also being imparted. Students from different colleges and universities are enthusiastically participating in this move and volunteering their innovations, and Labour to make this project a big success. The society is planning to include the youth force from all the cities to clean the rivers all over India. They are also hiring experts to make the best use of the disposed material to make best out of waste. The schools run by the society are already using bio gas plants for their fuel and electricity requirements and rain-harvesting plant is also being constructed to strengthen the water supply. The society is discussing with the Delhi government to use the waste lands for agricultural and bee harvesting purpose to prevent further slum expansion in Delhi and to provide employment and organic food to down trodden classes. I am also going to volunteer my services to the great cause this society is committed for.




A.         Answer the following questions in one line:

1.            Where is the reporter standing?

2.            What procession is going on?

3.            Which colours are the members wearing?

4.            What are the members selling inside the pandal?

5.            How are the students contributing their services?

6.            Why is the society hiring the experts?

7.            What is the society doing to fulfil its fuel and electricity requirements?

8.            Is the reporter taking interest? How do you know?


B.        Answer the following in more than 30 words:

i.          List the different jobs being done by the members of the society?

ii.         What is the society planning for the downtrodden classes?


C.        Edit the following sentences:

a)            Today, all the schools is focussing on___________

b)            Child centred education but unfortunately_________

c)            They are not focus on child’s welfare__________

d)            But commodity the education which is __________

e)            Reduce the value of true education and further glorifying materialism.___________.


D.        Re-arrange the following:

a)            For/ We/ club/ new/ are/ enrolling/ members/ our/.

b)            now /Norway /cricket /taking/ is/ interest/ in/.

c)            administration /more /India/ is /officers/ in/ recruiting/.

d)            Attending/ year/ not/ this/ Is/ Libya/ g-8/ meeting?

e)            Why /higher /studies/ are/ interested /Americans/ not/ in?


Word Power!

Match the following-

a)            Immerse                    Dangerous

b)            Hazardous                 Opressed

c)            Beverages                 Grown With Natural Techniques

d)            Organic Food            Dip

e)            Down Trodden          Drinks


Writing Skills!

Make sentences with the following words-

Enthusiastic, Innovation, Dispose, Impart.


Present Perfect Tense


                     Used for a completed action mostly with a time-

I have already completed my job.

He has not yet accepted your proposal.




Affirmative: Sub+ has/have+v3+obj.

I have already submitted all the documents.

He has provided us the correct information.


Negative: Sub+ has/have not+v3+obj.

They have not yet read all the documents.

She has not paid the whole amount.


Interrogative Positive: W/H + has/have+sub+v3+ obj?

Have you seen my gold chain today?

Where have you planted the new sapling?


Interrogative Negative: W/H + has/have+sub+ not+v3+ obj?

Have I not given you enough freedom?

Why has Roselyn not eaten her lunch today?


Story Based On Present Perfect Tense


Time Management

It has stopped raining. People have closed their umbrellas. The labourers have resumed construction work. Priya has not yet completed the reading of her scriptures. She has made every effort to complete her syllabus quickly but remained fail. Now she has struck upon a new idea. She has decided to devout unlimited hours ones in a week instead of reading off and on daily basis. For this, she has now amended many of her strict rules those have caused delay in her goals. Manu has also decided to help her out as he has watched her struggling seriously to come over her faults. He has made a time planner for her and she has happily consented to follow it. She has always respected the experts’ advice without any prejudice. Now as per my prediction she has stepped in to the way that will lead her to the zenith of success.


A.         Answer the following questions in one line only.

a.            What has Priya decided to complete the reading of scriptures?

b.            Why has Manu decided  to help her?

c.            What has Manu done to help Priya?

d.            Which quality of Priya has impressed the author?

e.            What prediction has the author forecasted for her?



B.        Edit the following:

a.            Marina have three pet rabbits in her farm house                       ___________

b.            She has bring them from the jungles of Alipur                           ___________

c.            The rabbits have not yet accept her house                                 ___________

d.            As their own dwelling, so she has planned                                 ___________

e.            To release them and have spoken to her friend in Alipur.        ___________


C.        Re-arrange the following:

a.            Just/ breakfast/ has/ finished/ Varun/ his.

b.            Train/ minutes/ two/ station /The/ has/ left /the /some /ago.

c.            Yet /project /not/ submitted/ Shubham/ has/ his.

d.            For/ job /Anu /this/ Has/ applied/?

e.            Have/ kept/ my/ you /Where/ pencil /box?


Word Power!

Tick the following words that mean -

a)            Continue       -           Resume, Decide

b)            Correct           -           Amend, Consent

c)            Forecast         -           Prediction, Prejudice

d)            Peak               -           Zenith, lead


Writing Skills!

                   Provide suitable sentences for the given words-Effort , Prejudice, Consent,Advise

                   Pen down your own struggle to come over any of your most disturbing fault.


Present Perfect Continuous Tense


This Tense is used to express-

                     Repeated action of the past:

They have been trying to reach there for two days.

                     For a continuous action till a particular time.

He has-been waiting for you since 3 o’ clock.




Affirmative: Sub+ has/have been+ v1+ing+obj.+for/since+ (time)

Ashima has been weaving this scarf for two days.

We have been preparing for the speech since Monday.


Negative: Sub+ has/have not been+ v1+ing+obj.+for/since+ (time)

Veena has not been visiting her since last January.

They have not been registering the new companies since last scam.


Interrogative Positive: W/H + has/have +sub+ been+ v1+ing+obj. +for/since+ (time)?

Why have you been working with a low profile group for two years?

Has he been taking piano classes since March?


Interrogative Negative: W/H+has/have+sub+ not been+v1+ing+obj.+for/since+ (time)?

Why has he not been paying his instalments since last August?

Have they not been selling household articles for three years?


Story Based On Present Perfect Continous Tense


Holi the Festival of Colours

Students have been celebrating Holi since 8’o clock in the commercial complex where I work. Office goers have been facing the menace of this festival for last one week. Children standing on either side of the buses have been throwing water filled balloons on the bus windows for last one week. I have also been taking care to protect myself from such mischievous elements by keeping my bus windows shut. In my institute also, for more than one week, students have been preparing skits, dramas and other cultural programs to celebrate this festival. The sweet makers of famous BikanerWala have also been preparing various delicious sweets for a fortnight ,especially kinds of Ghujia.


A.         Answer the following questions in one line only.

a.            How long have students been celebrating the Holi?

b.            Why has the authoress been keeping her bus window shut for a week?

c.            How long the students of her institute been preparing for this festival?

d.            How has the Bikanerwalla been preparing to encash this festival?



B.        Edit the following:

a.            Nirmala has been reading the letter since last one hour          __________

b.            She have been reading it again and again as she is not          __________

c.            Believing whatever is written in the letter. She has                   __________

d.            Always suffer misfortune and rejections all her life                   __________

e.            Therefore this great opportunity seem unreal. As per               __________

f.             The letter, then she have become the princess of a                 __________

g.            Wealthy Tourist Island in south Asia.                                           __________


C.        Re-arrange the following:

a.            Three/ hours/ sitting/ last/here/ have/ We /been/ for/.

b.            Afternoon/ this/ been/ chapter/ has/ Anita/ learning/ since.

c.            Months/ been/ taking/ for/ this/ you/ Have/ medicine/ three?

d.            Talking/ have/ get-together/ Arora’s /not/ Why/ Ahuja’s/ been/ to /since/ last?


Word Power!

                   Provide suitable Adverb prefix for ‘ throw’.

                   Differentiate between ‘throw’ and ‘through’.

                   Write a suitable synonym for ‘delicious’.

                   Make one word with suffix ‘goer’.


Writing Skills!

                   Make sentences with – Mischievous, Menace, Prepare, Protect.


Story Based On Present Tense

Dreams And Determinations


I have always chosen the right path regardless of all oppositions. Presently I am running an N.G.O with the strength of more than one thousand students and one hundred employees, along with the backup of hundreds of members working as partners in different cooperative societies. I have been running this N.G.O for last seven years; it has been a phoenix experience for me. I am happy as my divine mission has met with the divine help.


A.         Answer the Following Questions-

1.    What is the authoress doing at present?

2.    What kind of experience has it been for her?

3.    Is she happy? Why?


B.        Edit the following:

a)    Every day, at 3’o clock, all the inmates of the boarding house got up     ________

b)    For Brahammuhurat Arti and cleaned the temple                                        ________ 

c)    Afterwards pujari ji offer fruits to lord Krishna                                               ________

d)    Then pujari ji worship the cow folk and distributes                                       ________

e)    Prasadam to all the attendants. Afterwards, yoga class start                    ________

f)     Which continues for half an hour.Then after all the students performs    ________

g)    Vedic yajna and go to the Indian kitchen for breakfast. This have been ________

h)    The routine of our boarding house since it is in existence. After have     ________

i)     Breakfast all the students attends the assembly in the play ground.        ________ .

Word Power!

       Find out the meanings of all the highlighted words in the passage ‘Dreams and Determination’.


Writing Skills!

Write down the success story of any renowned personality or organisation.

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