An interjection is a word or phrase used to express a sudden emotion or feeling. 

They are often used to exclaim or react to something. Interjections are typically short and can be used on their own or as part of a sentence. They often end with an exclamation mark.

Here are some examples:

·         Exclamations of surprise: Wow! Ouch! Yikes!

·         Expressions of joy: Hurray! Hooray!, Yay!

·         Words of agreement or disagreement: Yes, No, Uh-huh, Nope

·         Sounds of hesitation or surprise: Um, Er, Hmm

To sum up, we can say that words that are used to express some sudden feeling or emotion are called interjection. It is quite easy to recognize an interjection as it is usually followed by an exclamatory sign; as-Hurrah! Alas! Bravo!

 Sentences with Interjections to Express-

 Joy               Hurrah! We have won the match.

Huzza! We got the permission.

Sorrow        Alas! She lost her last chance.

Surprise      What a wonderful catch it was!

Approval     Bravo! You have done it.

Relief-            Phew! That was a close call—I almost missed my train!

Disgust       Eeuu, that garbage smells awful!

Annoyance- Geez, that was a close call! I almost tripped over that loose tile.


Certain groups of words are also used to express feelings and emotions such as-

  •  Good gracious! I haven’t seen such a catch in my whole life.
  •  Well done!  You have brought back our lost pride.
  • Ah me! It wouldn’t happen if you had trusted us.
  • Heavens above! Did you see the size of that spider?
  • By the stars! That was the most beautiful sunset I've ever seen.
  • Mercy me! How could I have missed that important detail?
  • For heaven's sake! Would you please stop interrupting?
  • Oh, my word! This is absolutely stunning.
  • Dear me! I didn’t realize the deadline was today.
  • Great Scott! That was a close call!
  • Good heavens! The storm came out of nowhere!


                                            Interjection Practice Exercises


 Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks

Fill in the blanks with appropriate interjections to express the given emotions.

  1. Surprise: _________! I can't believe I won the lottery.
  2. Disgust: _________! That food smells terrible.
  3. Excitement: _________! We're going on vacation to Hawaii.
  4. Pain: _________! That bee just stung me.
  5. Agreement: _________! I agree with you completely.

Exercise 2: Identify the Interjections

Identify the interjections in the following sentences.

  1. Ouch! That was a painful kick.
  2. Wow, that painting is amazing.
  3. Yikes! I almost stepped on a snake.
  4. Hurray! We won the game.
  5. Uh-oh, I forgot my homework.

Exercise 3: Create Sentences

Write sentences using the following interjections:

    1. Oops
    2. Yippee
    3. Alas
    4. Phew
    5. Geez

Example: Oops, I spilled my coffee.

Exercise 4: Match the Interjection to the Emotion

Match the interjections on the left with the emotions on the right.

    1. Wow - Anger
    2. Yuck - Disgust
    3. Hurray - Joy
    4. Ouch - Pain
    5. Oops - Regret


Practice Exercise: Using Exclamatory Phrases

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate exclamatory phrase from the list below. Each phrase should only be used once.

Exclamatory Phrases:

    1. Good gracious
    2. Ah me
    3. Heavens above
    4. By the stars
    5. Mercy me
    6. For heaven's sake
    7. Oh, my word
    8. Dear me
    9. Great Scott
    10. Good heavens


    1. __________! I can't believe I just spilled coffee all over my shirt.
    2. __________! The view from this mountain is absolutely breathtaking.
    3. __________! How could I have forgotten my keys again?
    4. __________! That car nearly hit us!
    5. __________! I didn't realize how late it was.
    6. __________! The power just went out in the whole neighborhood.
    7. __________! I never expected to receive such a generous gift.
    8. __________! I can’t believe I overslept on the day of the big meeting.
    9. __________! That was a loud crash! Is everyone okay?
    10. __________! Why didn’t you tell me about the change in plans?

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