Future tense describes actions or events that are yet to happen, unfolding in the time ahead. 

Here are some examples of sentences in the future tense:

  1. Future SimpleShe will visit her grandmother tomorrow.
  2. Future ContinuousAt this time tomorrow, I will be studying for my exam.
  3. Future PerfectBy next week, he will have finished the project.
  4. Future Perfect ContinuousBy 2025, they will have been living in this city for ten years.



    Future simple is used to describe actions or events that will occur in the future, often formed with "will be" or "shall be" followed by the base form of the verb.




    Affirmative:        Sub+will be/will have+predicate. Sub (I/we) +shall be /shall have +predicate

    He will be a great author one day.

    They will have many new projects next week.

    I shall be a good teacher.

    We shall have more such awards in the future. 

    Negative:   Sub+ will /shall/ +not be/will +not+ have+ predicate.

    Mr. Ajay will not be our principle from next month.

    We shall not have the luxury of coming late now.

    The class monitor will not be in the class at this time.

    Rosy will not have new dresses this month.

     Interrogative Positive:      (W/H) + will/ Shall +Sub be/Will/Shall +Sub+ have +predicate+?

    Why shall she be our senior without any merit?

    When will you have your new office?

    Who will be our next Prime Minister?

    Will I have my own cabin this month?

     Interrogative Negative:      (W/H) + will/ Shall +Sub be/Will/Shall +Sub+ have +predicate+?

    Shall I not  be a part of your team?

    Will they not have new equipment this year?   

    Why shall i not be there in the in the travelers' group?

    When will Mr. Anthony be our guest of honour?


    Passage  Based on Future Simple Tense

    Our New Office

    This New Year, we shall finally move into our brand-new office. It will mark a fresh chapter for all of us. Our new office will be significantly larger and more spacious than our current one, offering us the comfort and room to work more efficiently.

    We shall have a modern, expansive canteen with plenty of tables and chairs, making lunchtime a more enjoyable experience. Alongside that, there will be a spaciouswell-equipped washroom area with ten individual cabins. Gone will be the days of awkwardly waiting for our turn—now, everyone will have ample space and comfort.

    Outside, we shall enjoy a serene garden where we can relax during breaks, surrounded by greenery and fresh air—a perfect escape from the daily hustle. How wonderful it will be to take a moment and unwind in nature, just steps away from our workspace.

    Inside, the rooms of our senior staff will be impressively large and beautifully designed, offering an environment that reflects their experience and status. And how different and special will be our chairman’s room? We can only imagine the elegance and grandeur that it will exude, a fitting space for someone who leads with such vision.



    Answer the following in one line only:

      1. When will the new office be ready?
      2. What is one feature of the new canteen?
      3. How many cabins will the new washroom area have?
      4. Why won’t employees have to wait awkwardly anymore?
      5. What outdoor feature will help employees relax?
      6. How are the rooms of the senior staff described in the passage?
      7. What is imagined about the chairman’s room?

          Edit the following:

    1.             He shall has all the information                 _________
    2.             Whatever shall be required to                    _________
    3.             Complete this project. We will be               _________
    4.             His only source from where he shall           ________ 
    5.        Be getting all the outer news.                    _________

          Re-arrange the following:

    1.    two / guests / Suzane / extraordinary / today / have / will

    2.    will / be / teacher / new / my / aunty / my

    3.    you / be / I / with / Natasha / soon / shall / and

    4.    this / year / foreign / seniors / more / have / our / trips / will?

    5.    have / shall / no / we / projects / this / new / month?


    Match the following-

      1. Serene                  To give off or emit
      2. Equipped               Busy movement or activity
      3. Spacious               Calm and peaceful
      4. Exude                    Having plenty of space
      5. Hustle                   Furnished or provided with necessary items

    Writing Skills!

                       Make sentences with – elegance, vision, plenty, ample, grandeur

                       Write down a few lines on your dream office or home.

     Future Indefinite Tense

    The Future Indefinite Tense (often referred to as the Future Simple Tense) expresses actions or events that will happen in the future without specifying a particular time. It is typically formed using "will" or "shall" plus the base form of the verb.


    AffirmativeSub+will +v1+obj. Sub (I/we) +shall+v1+obj.

    He will reach Indus tomorrow morning.

    They will complete this project by today evening.

    I shall prefer tea to coffee.

    We shall prepare the notes for you.


    Negative: Sub+will +not+v1+obj.

    I/we +shall+not+v1+obj.

    We shall not stay in that lodge.

    I shall not pay more than fifty rupees for this pen.

    Isha will not return our token money.


    Interrogative Positive: W/H + will/shall+Sub+ v1+obj?

    When will the chief minister deliver the speech?

    Shall we precede our enquiry now?


    Interrogative Negative: W/H + will/shall+Sub+not+v1+obj?

    Shall we not participate in the forth-coming elections?

    Why will Neenah not visit the shrine this week?

    Will smith not refuse the offer this time?

    Who will not continue membership for the new session?


    Passage Based on Future Indefinite Tense


    Braves and the Bullies

    Tom will go to school tomorrow. He will not scare from teachers or crowds anymore. His mother will buy him a nice school bag today and his sister will bring some notebooks and pens for him. I shall give him some good tips to make friends with co-students. We shall inform the principal and the other teachers beforehand about the previous dreadful experiences of Tom at his former school. Slowly, he will learn to tackle the bullies. He will no more crouch in a corner on the name of school and there will be a glow of joy on his cheeks after he will successfully complete one or two months surrounded with good friends and encouraging teachers. One day he will become a normal student and after growing up he will help other such students who are phobic of bullies. He’ll tell them the difference between the brave and the bully.



    A.         Answer the following in one line only:

    2.            Where will Tom go tomorrow?

    3.            What will his mother do?

    4.            What will his sister do?

    5.            What will the authoress do for him?

    6.            What will his family tell the principal?

    7.            Will Tom alone be able to come over his phobia?


    B.        Edit the following:

    a.            I will speak to the authorities over                                     _________

    b.            this issue and will made the authorities                           _________

    c.            looked in to this matter seriously without                         _________

    d.            any partiality. We will then bring the victims                    _________

    e.            to justice and culprits will got suitable punishment        _________


    C.        Re-arrange the following:

    a.            flat/ two /this/ shall /we /buy/ in /days.

    b.            of /I /instead /take /shall /tea /coffee.

    c.            this/They /in /join/ not /will/ us /movement.

    d.            parents /will /traditional /against/Nadir/ go/ his/?

    e.            will/ you/ book/?/your/ start /when/ writing /new


    Word Power!

    Match the following-

    a.            Scare              Terrorise

    b.            Bully               Anxious

    c.            Phobic           Terrible

    d.            Dreadful         Fright


    Writing Skills!

                       Make sentences with – Tackle, Crouch, Beforehand, Scare.

                       Write down your next day’s schedule in future indefinite.


    Future Continuous Tense 

    This tense is used to express an action, which will happen at a given time in future.


    Affirmative: Sub +will/shall+ be+v1+ing+obj.

    Robert will be getting ready for the office at this time.

    Neil will be having his breakfast right now.

    I shall be enjoying luxury flight to United Kingdom tomorrow evening?

    We shall be working upon our new project by the end of this week.

    Negative: Sub+ will/shall+ not+be+v1+ing+obj.

    We shall not be working in this polluted environment any longer.

    I shall not be writing with this pen in the new session.

    They will not be laughing at us after this rout.

    Henna will not be running after low profile roles anymore. 

    Interrogative Positive: W/H + will/shall+ sub + be+v1+ing+obj?

    Where will he be serving in the new building?

    How will she be adjusting with her new room mates?

    Why shall we be living in the same apartment in the New Year?

    Shall we be copying western life style in the new century also? 

    Interrogative Negative: W/H + will/shall+ sub +not+ be+v1+ing+obj?

    Will Hennery not be teaching in this university after December?

    Why will the company not be taking interest in new alliances?

    Shall I not be living in this town then onwards?

    Why shall we not be depending upon foreign aid after this invention?


     Story Based On Future Continuous Tense


    A Meaningful Life!

    New teacher will be teaching these students tomorrow onwards. All the students will be trying to adjust with the new English teacher. The new teacher will also be doing her level best to make a good impression on my little angels. I shall be devoting more time on reading and writing books for my students and other readers. I hope my students will be getting my love and affection through my articles and stories and will not be feeling deprived of my guidance. Now, as per the wish of the divine powers, I shall be reaching to masses to spread knowledge that is misread. I am happy that now I shall be living a meaningful life more meaningfully under the caring guidance of my divine guides.


    A.        Answer the following questions in one line:

    1.            Who shall teach the kids the next day onwards?

    2.            What shall the authoress do from the next day onwards?

    3.            How will authoress remain in touch with her students?

    4.            What will she be doing to make her life more meaningful?

    5.            Will she be doing it on her own?


    B.        Re-arrange the following:

    a.            House/ living/ onwards/ from /new/ shall/ I /be/ in /a/ Monday.

    b.            in /this /wasting/ shall /We/ not /be/ more/ time /job/.

    c.            concert /singing/ Will/ Sudha /be /in/ this/?

    d.            not /common/ wealth/ games /coming/ participating /in /Indians/ Why/ will /be?

    e.            Be/ century/ farming/ the/ Where/ new /shall/ we /in?


    A.           Edit the following-

    a.           Our new neighbours shall be living here                                     ________

    b.           From next Monday. We will be having a                                      ________

    c.            lot of fun together. We shall be not waiting                                 ________

    d.           for the passers by to entertain us. I shall not be waste             ________

    e.           my time watching movies. Rather , I shall be use my time       ________

    f.             in constructive works.


    Word Power!

                       Give synonyms for the following: Student, Guidance, Hidden, Devote.

                       Give antonyms of the following: Honourable, Teaching, Guidance, Deprived, Meaningful.


    Writing Skills!

                       Make sentences for the following: Impression, Spread, Through, Adjust.

                       Describe the activities that you  will  be doing on Sunday.( Use Future Continuous Tense only)


    Future Perfect Tense


       This Tense is used to express an action, that’ll be completed by a certain time in future


    Affirmative: Sub+will/shall+ have+v3+obj.

    I shall have reached Jaipur by now.

    We shall have gained the majority vote till the next meeting.

    They will have received our letter before their arrest.

    Shauna will have prepared our new passports for this trip. 

    Negative: Sub+will/shall+ not+have+ v3+obj.

    They will not have received my letter yet.

    Ajit will not have spoken the truth to them.

    We shall not have disclosed the secret at that stage.

    Yaman will not have found the map by now.

    Interrogative Positive: W/H+will/shall+ sub+have+v3+obj?

    Will they have taken breakfast by now?

    Where will the group have put their luggage?

    When will they have reached Goa?

    Shall we have checked out by Tuesday evening? 

    Interrogative Negative: W/H+will/shall+ sub+not+have+v3+obj?

    Shall we not have left the inn before dusk?

    Where will they not have distributed the saplings?

    Will Sumit not have solved the riddle in time?

    Will Rosy not have claimed her earned leaves?


    Story Based on Future Perfect Tense


    Katha at Vrindavan

    When I boarded the bus, I was thinking about the ongoing events at Vrindavan. As per my calculations, the Katha will have completed by 1 o’ clock before I reach the place. All the devotees will have taken the prasadam and Swamiji will have gone back to his lodging. The local devotees will have returned to their houses and the devotees from outstations will have returned to their guesthouses. The staff in service of Swamiji will have banned the common folk from meeting him since Swamiji’s health had terribly deteriorated due to over exertion and fasting. Only Sharda aunty will not have given up the hope of seeing me. She will have made all the arrangements to show me the temples of the Vrindavan.


    A.         Answer the following in one line only:

    1.             By what time the katha will have completed?
    2.             Where will the local devotees have returned?
    3.       Why will the service staff of Swamiji have banned common people from meeting him?
    4.             Who will be waiting for the authoress?
    5.             What all the arrangements will have been made by Sharda aunty for her? 

    B.        Edit the following:

    a.            Nidhi will have complete all the airport                 _________

    b.            Clearance formalities by now and have reach    _________

    c.            To the exit of the airport lobby and have hire     _________

    d.            The cab. She will has informed the authorities   _________

    e.            About her arrival and have get permission to      _________

    f.             Live with her sick uncle. 

    C.        Re-arrange the following:

    a.            Have/ now/ won /shall /India /the/ match /by.

    b.            reached /time/ Antarctica/ helicopter/ have /Their / will /not /by/ this.

    c.            Nissin /secret /have /him /Will/disclosed/ the /to?

    d.            Will/ kept /my/ Where/ Suman/ have/ bag?

    e.            Over/ before/ handed /Will/ parcel/ Annie /have/ the /six o’ clock?


    Word Power!

                       Write down the synonyms of the following- Deteriorate, Exertion, Ban, Event.


    Writing Skills!

                       Make sentences with the following- Reach, Perform, Terrible, Arrangement.

                       Complete the following passage in not more than 150 words:

    By the time, the chief guest will reach our school; the students will have completed all the decorations____________________


    Future Perfect Continuous Tense


    This Tense is used to express certain action, which’ll be in progress, 

    started from a particular time in future.



     Affirmative: Sub+ Will/shall +have been+ v1+ing+obj.+for/since+ (time)

    Sharmas will have been living in this cottage for two years.

    I shall have been using this land since October.

    We shall have been setting up new branches since April.

    They will have been listening to our demands for three years.


    Negative: Sub+ will/shall+ not have been+ v1+ing+obj.+for/since+ (time)

    I shall not have been serving her since last January.

    They will not have been registering the new members for two years. 

    Interrogative Positive: W/H + will/shall +sub+have been+ v1+ing+obj.+for/since+ (time)?

    Why will she have been studying philosophy for two months?

    Which goods shall we have been exporting for one year?

    Will our chain of shops have been prospering since the coming season?

    How shall we have been commuting to your state for three months?

    Will Sudan have been participating in the world games since its liberation? 

    Interrogative Negative: W/H+ will/shall +sub+ not have been+ v1+ing+obj.+for/since+ (time)?

    Will India not have been depending on financial aid since January?

    Why will people not be taking interest in western culture since the second half of 21st century?

    Why shall we not have been immigrating to developed countries for next three years?

    Why shall the rural communities not have been seeking jobs in metros for next five years?


    Story Based On Future Perfect Continuous Tense

     The New Age Of Spirituality

    In the new century, the people will have been bending towards eastern cultures and religions for a long time. Since the EAST represents divinity, dawn, freshness and purity; Spirituality will have been prevailing over prejudices since the birth of a new incarnation. The civilizations built over the corpse of nature will have been collapsing since the beginning of the new century. Only man centered approach will have been disappearing and the ancient philosophy based on nature worshipping will have been emerging once again since the victory of nature worshippers. The separatist powers will not have been gaining any grounds for years and the people will have been living with complete harmony with soul and nature since the arrival of divine powers on the earth. Divinity will have been planning to cleanse the earth from the evil for years to begin the  new age which always comes after the sinful age of evil as the dawn emerges from the womb of darkness of night.


    A.         Answer the following in one line only-

    1.            Which direction will the people be bending upon in the new age?

    2.            What does EAST represent?

    3.            Who will be prevailing over prejudices and when?

    4.            Will separatists be gaining something?

    5.            Who will win against whom in the new century?

    6.            How will people be living after the arrival of divine powers?


    B.        Re-arrange the following:

    1.            Shall/ working/ you/ why / be/i/with?

    2.            Been/ minutes/He /have/ for /fifteen /will /singing.

    3.            Shall /I /be /accompanying/ you/ since/February?

    4.            Who/ will /have/ been /playing/ this/ piano/ since/ my /resignation?

    5.            have/ months/ Jeena /will /rehearsing/ for/ three/ been.


    C.        Edit the following:

    a.            India will have been achieving new heights for the formation of new government.________

    b.            All the powerful countries will has been seeking India’s favour since then.________

    c.            The ministers will not have been aping the west blindly since years now.________

    d.            We shall have now been learning to respect our own culture and strength since then. ________

    e.            The historians will have not been writing the false history of India for a decade. ________


    Word Power!

    Match the following-

    a.            Corpse                       Immoral

    b.            Ancient                       Accord

    c.            Sinful                          Dead Body

    d.            Harmony                    Very Old


    Writing Skills!

                       Make sentences with- man centred collapse, , separatist, , cleanse, 

                       Write your own imaginative story for a new age.


    Story Based On Future Tense

    Pride Of Odisha

    Sona will join some good and genuine N.G.O involved in the care of female child. She will not let the innocent and tender brains of these deprived girls be poisoned by the separatist force supported by the foreign countries. She will give her full support for the cause. She will impart free education to the girls at a near by slum, for that she will give one hour daily. When her other friends will be watching some entertaining serial, she will be busy teaching her little angels. She will not let their parents marry them at a tender age and neither will she allow them to send their daughters outside Orissa to work as a domestic help. ‘ I shall not let them be exploited like me’ she explains. Before December her orphanage will have constructed with the help of her friends who will adopt the orphan girls to give them a better life. No more girls will be exported to other states or nations from Orissa. One day, these girls will bring the pride of Kalinga back.

    These girls will be nurtured with the indigenous customs and traditions of their state. They will learn the history of ancient Odisha and will preserve the uniqueness of their state. They will revive the dying industries of Odisha and will learn to live and die with self-respect, which has been the chief characteristic of the natives of Odisha that had forced the great Ashoka to leave the path of violence.


    A.           Answer the following questions-

    1.            Why will Sona join a good N.G.O?

    2.            What will she do for the deprived girls?

    3.            How will Sona and her friends bring up these girls?

    4.            What has been the chief characteristic of the natives of Odisha?


    B.        Re-arrange the following sentences-

    a.            Jaipur/ I/ tomorrow/ go/ will /to/.

    b.            since /Anu /been/ playing/ have/ piano /will/. /morning

    c.            /in /January /Will /living /not /you /be/? /here

    d.            By/ our/ completed/ We/ shall /have/ then/. /assignment

    e.            Pay/ lesser/ will /they /than /amount/ fixed/? /Why /the


    C.        Edit The Following Passage:

    a.            Tomorrow I will be start my dream project                       ________

    b.            The long-suffering soul of my ambition will                     _________

    c.            Got some relief and it will provided me the strength      _________ 

    d.            To stood firmly amidst adverse conditions                      _________

    e.            The first portion of the building will has constructed      _________

    f.             By the end of this week and the students will have start _________

    g.            Studying.

    D.        Match the following words with their antonyms:

    a.        Nurture                             Native
    b.        indigenous                        Peace
    c.        Traditions                         Commonness
    d.        Uniqueness                      Neglect
    e.        Violence                           Innovation

    E. Writing Skills:

                pen down the objective of your life in about 100 words

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