preposition is a word placed before a Noun or a Pronoun to show its relation or position with some other words in a sentence.



The book is on the table.

I will meet you at 3 PM.

The gift is for you.

We will go on a picnic in the summer.


Now we can say that preposition is a word that shows the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence.


Prepositions can be categorized on the basis of their use-


Preposition Of Direction

(Over, Off, Above, Below, Under, Through)


i)               Over       :           over-take; over dose; overload.

                                   He holds a sheet of paper over his head.


ii)             Off         :           switch off; turn off; take off etc.

                                   Switch off the light.


iii)           Above     :    above-board; above all.

One should keep ones honour above everything


iv)           Under     :   under water; underworld; undertake.


v)             Through:    passed through; go through;

We have passed through the hardest time of our life.





i)               At                     I will meet you at Golcha parking.

ii)             In            :           We first saw each other in the temple of Shiv-Shakti.

iii)           On          :           This camel is used as a joy ride on a sea-beach.

iv)           To           :           This train is bound to Jaipur

v)             From                I am coming from Jodhpur

vi)           Into                  used with the verbs of motion:

        The juggler came into the class with baby monkey.



(At, In, On, To, Till During, Since, Far, From, Within, After, Before)


        He came at 3 o’clock.

        He started earning at the age of fourteen.


        Hindus do not eat meat or egg on Tuesdays.

        All the friends will be together on your birthday.


                          My new car will be on the road in June,2009.

        New singers will perform in todays party.

                                   By  Before / at that time

                          I’ll finish my work by 6.

                      The bus usually drop the children latest by 8 O’clock.


            Till means up to and cannot be used without from-

            She’ll be with me from 4 to /till 6 p.m.

                                  During -For known periods of time.

            During the examinations, I did not watch any movie.

            Fewer people are seen in the market during the last week of the             month.

                                   Since -Used with a point of time.     

                         We have been living here since 1983.

            She had been working since 2 o’clock.

                                    For- Used with a period of time.             

                          For two hours, for ten years, for six months etc.

            She has been living here for years.

                                   From -Used with ‘To’/Till.

:                         From morning till night, from January to June

            Rohan will stay in the hostel from June to July.

                                   Within -In a given period.               

                          Within a year (less than a year)

            You have to complete this work within five days.

                                             After -Later than another event.

            She came back after two years.

            I’ll help you after coming back from Jaipur.

                         Before -Earlier than another event.

            I’ll visit the zoo with my parents before December.

            You should wash your hands before every meal.





                    An apple was cut by him (Doer)  with a knife (Instrument).


        Ramson distributed fodder between his two oxen.

         (For two individuals or groups etc.}

        Ramson distributed the land among his three sons.

        (For more than two individuals or groups etc.)

            BESIDE- BESIDES

            The cat sat beside a chair. (By the side of)

        Besides Rohit, three other boys were playing there.  (In addition to)   


        They sat on the bed. (For things in rest)       

        The cat pounced upon the rat. (For things in motion) 




·         We use by+ Noun when we talk about means of transport,, we do not use the, a or an before the Noun- We travelled by train.( not the /a train)

We say by bicycle, by car/ taxi/ bust / train, by boat/ ship/ plane, by air/ sea.

·         We do not use by when the reference is to a specific bicycle, car, train, etc.-

   Suresh went there on my bike. (not by my bike)

   We travelled in Mr. Joshi’s car. (not by Mr. Joshi’s car)

·           We use on to mean a specific bicycle, bus, train, ship or plane, and in to mean a specific car, taxi, van, lorry or ambulance.

 They came in a taxi.

I will go on the 7.30 bus.

              We say on foot (not by foot).


He goes to the office on foot. (= he walks to the office.)




              At the end: at the time when something ends.

The whole audience applauded the singer at the end of the song.


              In the end: finally

She was looking for me, in the end we met near the park.


              On time: not late

You have to be there on time.


              In time: soon enough

You have to reach the station in time.


              According to: as reported by somebody.

According to her, Rohini was her cousin.


              By means of: by means of his links, he got the ticket.




A.Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions:


1.     The first time when I saw him _____ the temple, he was standing _______the boundary of the main chief deity, rest of us were standing________ .The arti went on ______half an hour and then he came _________ of the boundary. An old lady was standing______ him, he firmly but politely asked her if she was interested ______ go ________him to Ambala. It seemed as he was asking this ___me as I was also standing _______that old lady.


2.       Tom was sitting_________ the garden chair when an orange fell _____ his lap, he looked up and saw a monkey was jumping ___ the branch. Tom threw a stone  ________the monkey______ return showered more oranges ______ Tom. Tom collected all ____the oranges and sold them all ______afternoon. He went home _______a pocket swollen ________ coins.



B. The following paragraph has to be edited. There is a word missing in each of the line against which a blank is given. Indicate the place where the word is missing with a ‘/ ’and write the word in the space provided. The first one is done for you-


a)             /The first day of Navratris, ___On______

b)             the crop of barley is sawn mud pot, and it is watered every day________

c)             the ninth day. Then a grand puja is organized_________

d)             where people worship and feed young girls delicious food_________

e)             They gift bangles and some money these young girls._________

f)              Then worshippers immerse the barley crops the river._______



C. The following passages needs to be edited. There is an error in each line, identify and underline the error and write the correction in the space provided. 


April Navratris are celebrated on north India only. While     ____in____                     

Bengali puja is associated in October Navratris. October      __________                

Navratris are celebrated between all the Hindus                   _________                

Upon all the regions, in Bengal., the huge images                 _________

of Maa Durga are worshipped over this period                     __________

above the last day, these huge and beautiful idols                 __________ 

are immersed to the different rivers and the idol makers        ___________

start making idols by the next Durga puja.                                            


Once I saw an American woman into a   __________                                          

news channel, she was sharing for them her ___________

Maiden experience in the bank of river Ganga on Haridwar, __________

while she was sitting there, her heart filled up by compassion _________

and tears began to flow for her eyes as she was meeting __________

her real mother before a long -long time. _________

I couldn’t understand her feeling till I myself had the same experience. 


Connectors are words or phrases that join sentences or parts of sentences together. They help to show relationships between ideas.


 And: I like apples, and I also like oranges.
But: I wanted to go to the beach, but it was raining.

     Now that’s clear that Connectors are words or phrases that link ideas, sentences, or clauses together, helping to show relationships such as contrast, cause and effect, or sequence. They make writing and speech flow smoothly and clearly.

      Connectors can be divided as follows:

  1.   Relative Pronouns: who, what, whose, which, whom etc.
  2.   Relative Adverbs: when, where, how, why etc.
  3.   Conjunctions: And, Both, Yet, Since, While, Still, Thus, Than, Before, Because etc.

Conjunctions are also divided in the following way on the basis of the nature of the sentences they join-

  1. Coordinating Conjunctions: Join equal parts.
  2. Subordinating Conjunctions: Connect a dependent clause to an independent clause.
  3. Correlative Conjunctions: Work in pairs to join equal parts.
  4. Conjunctive Adverbs: Link independent clauses with a transitional phrase.
  5. Prepositions as Connectors: Show relationships between different elements of a sentence.
  6. Relative Pronouns: Introduce clauses that describe a noun.
  7. Relative Adverbs: Introduce clauses that describe time, place, or reason.

without getting confused let us now simply learn the use of various connectors and conjunctions for practical purpose- 


       TIME- Since, As Soon As, When, While, After, Before etc.

She has gained a lot of confidence since I last met her.

I talked to all our partners as soon as I reached the conference hall.

He will see you next month when he comes to Delhi.

She came back with a huge bag after a short while.

We went to Shirdi Dham before returning to our lodge.



      PLACE-Where, Wherever, Whence etc.

I wish to visit the place where Rani Rupmati died in captivity.

Wherever she went, Rani followed her.

She went back whence she had come.


      REASON-Because, Since, For, As

I went there because I liked that place.

You follow him for he is an intelligent leader.

He was selected, as he was trusted by all.

CONSEQUENCE-So, so that, as a result,Therefore, Hence, Thus, Consequently.

I was in a hurry so I a hired a cab.

She is not well so that she was not allowed to join this trip.

The entire city backed our movement, as a result, government accepted all our demands.

She speaks very politely therefore I appointed her on the front desk.

They were fed up with your useless promises; hence they decided to terminate you.

We went to every officer, thus we could arrange for your bail.

He never respected common man consequently today he is alone.


    CONDITION-If, Supposing, Unless, In Case, Until, till, lest

If you go to market, get me some cheese cubes.

Supposing the forth-coming hardships, she cancelled to join police academy.

You cannot pass unless you work hard.

You can fill the vacancy in case she does not join by tomorrow.

Do not sign the papers, until you read them thoroughly.

Until I permit him, he will not show them the documents.

I will not go till I not meet her personally.

He fled lest he should be killed (lest is rare in modern English.)


     ADDITION-And, As Well As, Also, Both, Not Only, But Also, but Etc.

     We play basketball as well as football in the stadium.

     I like ice creams and Rama likes chocolates.

     Anjana can play both piano and harmonium efficiently.

    Vijay is not only a good dancer but also a good singer.

    Nanny likes sizzlers but I go for soups.


       COMPARISION-So-As; As-As; Than Etc.

    It is good to be in the company of a cultured enemy than to be in an ill-mannered friend’s.

    He is not so kind as Anamika is.

    We are not as cynical as you are.



Though-Yet, Although, Despite, However, Yet, moreover, but, while, whereas, nevertheless, wherein, in spite of, even then etc. 

Henna would not let me go, however I managed to trick her.

Though I am her childhood friend, yet I did not like her behavior with her teacher.

Although he prefers friendship to money, his circumstances forced him to accept that lucrative offer.

I always help her out of the way yet she keeps accusing me.

He is honest but arrogant.

She was enjoying in the late night parties while her sister was working hard to earn livelihood.

Despite my reminding him several times, he forgot to put his passport in his bag.

Rossetti was most popular among her co-students; moreover she was equally popular among the students of her senior classes.

In spite of our warning him several times, he bought that fake policy at a high price.

Their behaviour was creating suspicion nevertheless we offered them to stay with us.

Anju always laid traps for others even then her neighbours saved her from the robbers.

Nomita was enjoying a sound asleep while her sister in law was groaning with pain.


CONJUCTIONS OF CHOICE-Either-Or, Neither-Nor, Else, Or

Either Helen or Jyoti will come to attend the wedding ceremony.

Neither Inder nor Abhay was in the hotel at that time.

We had to obey them otherwise they would not give us the license.

Start coming on time else opt for the night shift.

Give me my necklace or I will call the police.


Conjunctions used in pairs, such as either-or, neither- nor, though- yet, but-also are called correlative Conjunctions or Correlatives. To use correlative Conjunction, each of the correlative word should be placed immediately before the word to be connected-

Either Shyam is lying, or Naresh is lying. (wrong)       

Either Shyam or Naresh is lying.

He bought not only utensils but clothes also. (wrong)

He not only bought utensils but also clothes. ( correct)


Compound Conjunctions


Two or more words are used to make a compound conjunction. In other words, a conjunction made with two or more words is called a compound conjunction.

Given below are the examples of some compound conjunctions-


In order that- the notice was published in order that all might know the facts.

On condition that- I will forgive you on condition that you do not repeat the offence.

Even if- such an act would not be kind even if it were just.

So that- he saved some bread so that he should not go hungry on the morrow.

Provided that- you can borrow the book provided that you return it soon.

As though- he walks as though he is lightly lame.

In as much as- I must refuse your request, in as much as i believe it unreasonable.

As well as- he took off his coat as soon as he entered the house.

As if- he looks as if he were weary.

                                             Connector Exercises

Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks

Fill in the blanks with appropriate connectors to complete the sentences:

  1. I like apples, _______ I don't like bananas.
  2. We can go to the beach _______ the weather is nice.
  3. He is tall _______ his brother is short.
  4. I need to study hard _______ I can pass the exam.
  5. She is both intelligent _______ kind.

    Exercise 2: Identify the Connectors

    Identify the connectors in the following sentences:

    1. Although it was raining, we went for a walk.
    2. Not only is she smart, but she is also funny.
    3. I will go to the store after I finish my homework.
    4. Either we can go to the movies or we can stay home.
    5. Because she was sick, she couldn't go to school.

      Exercise 3: Match the Connectors to Their Meanings

      Match the connectors on the left with their meanings on the right:

      1. And - Cause and effect
      2. But - Contrast
      3. Or - Choice
      4. Because - Addition
      5. Although - Concession 

      Exercise 4: Fill in the blanks with appropriate connectors                                                  

      Suzan _____ Delrina were good friends. ______they had to go; they would go together in the school. Suzan belonged to a rich family _______ Delrina was from a lower middle-class family. ________ the disparity in their social classes, they never felt any difficulty in carrying on their friendship________ they went to college. Suzan had many beautiful dresses _______ Delrina had only a few dresses to wear on. _______ she was not _______ beautiful as Suzan was. _______Students ________ teachers would pay more attention to Suzan. 




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