The past tense is a verb form used to describe actions, events, or conditions that occurred or were completed in the past.


Simple Past tense

We use simple past to show some quality, incident or things that used to be in the past. Simple tense does not contain a main verb, instead, it is more like an adjective phrase or clause.


Affirmative- Sub+was/were/had+ predicate

Anu was a doctor.                             He was very happy that day. 

I had two big dogs.                           Anu had many good friends.                         

Negative-Sub+was/were/ had+not+ predicate

Anu was not a doctor.                      They were not our guests. 

She had an invalid passport.            you had all the information.

Interrogative Positive-W/H+ was/ were/had+sub+ predicate+?

To form interrogative with had we also use did have-

Was Anu a doctor?                          Had they any friends here?

Who was Anu?                                Did he have more story books?

Interrogative Negative-W/H+was/were+sub+not+predicate?

We use did+sub+not+have to make interogative negative -

Was Anu not a doctor?                    Were all the students not in the class?

Why had Sam not any friend?  Did she not have sufficient funds?


Passage Based on Past Simple Tense

Arvindam was my school friend. He was one of the most brilliant students of our class. His father was a scientist. His elder sister was a doctor. His family was a pure vegetarian Tamil family. They had a piece of land in their village with a beautiful cottage and an animal shelter. There was a school also on their land for the village children. Arvindam like his parents was an intelligent, cultured and liberal boy. His best friend was Anoop. Alike Arvindam, Anoop was also one of the best students of our class. His father was not a rich fellow. They lived in a small cottage. His mother was not much literate but she was full of wisdom. In fact, both Arvindam and Anoop were the true reflection of the qualities of their wise and gentle parents.



A.        Answer the following questions-

1.            Who was Arvindam?

2.            Was Arvindam a dull boy?

3.            What was Arvindam’s father?

4.            What was his elder sister?

5.           what did they have on their land in the village?

6.            Who was Anoop?

7.            Was his father a rich fellow?

8.            What kind of a woman was Anoop’s mother?


A.           Edit the following –( One is done for you)

1.            Ajay and Vijay was neighbours.                __were____

2.            Roopa and Anjali were friend.                   __________

3.            I were a student those days.                      __________

4.            My best friend’s name were Nishant.       __________

5.          He did not had  his own house in our city. _________

6.            His father were an astronauts.                   __________


C.        Rearrange the following sentences-

a.            doctor/ was /i/ a/.                                          

b.            not /nidhi/ liar /was /a/.                                 

c.            friend/? /vikram /my /was/ not                   

d.            a /girl /always /Anita /was/ helpful/.          

e.            time /teacher /that/ where /?was /the /at 

f.       idea /I  /not /have /sudden/any /about/ his / anger/ did


Word Power!

Match the following with their synonyms-

a.            Brilliant                      Knowledge

b.            Conservative             Intelligent

c.            Cultured                    Strictly traditional

d.            Wisdom                     Civilized

e.        liberal                        Open minded


Writing Skills

                   Write a few lines on your best friend.


Past Indefinite Tense

 This tense is used when: 

                   We refer to a habitual action in the past.

            My sister always fought for me, when I was young.

                   An action completed in the past

            I got the clue from an ancient book.


In modern English we use only Simple Past Tense for both simple and indefinite sentences The term past indefinite is not used any more but here we have used both Simple Past and Past Indefinite to make learning easy for the students.


Affirmative: sub+v2+obj.

I ate two chapattis in the breakfast.

We laughed heartily at his advice.

 Negative: sub+ did not+ v1 + obj.

I did not give him my pen.

They did not complete the formalities on time.

 Interrogative Positive: w/ H family + did+ sub+v1+ obj?

Where did you meet him yesterday?

When did he speak to you last time?

Did you give him any money?

Did she give you any parcel today?

 Interrogative Negative: W/H family + did+ sub+not +v1+ obj?

Why did Amrita not attend our party?

Did he not pay her due instalment?


Passage Based On Past Indefinite Tense


Kankhal the Chief Pilgrimage of Kalyug

It was my first visit to Kankhal, the city of Prajapati Daksha. Prajapati Daksha was the emperor of the whole earth and father of Goddess Sati, the beloved wife of lord Shiva. Kankhal is famous for the Daksha Temple, where goddess Sati sacrificed her body in to the yagna kunda.

It is said that Prajapati Daksha had organized a grand yajna in Kankhal.Goddess Sati and her adorable husband lord Shiva were not invited to this grand yagna while all the other daughters with their husbands were cordially invited. All the gods and goddesses including Brahma and Vishnu were also invited to honour that yagna. Goddess Sati could not tolerate such an insult of her omnipotent husband lord Shiva. She decided to teach a lesson to her arrogant and prudent father.Thus, even after the unwillingness of lord Shiva, she went to her father’s palace and rebuked him. She also rebuked all the gods and goddesses who honoured Prajapati Daksha by their presence. Prajapati Daksha then spoke some very indecent words to offence her beloved husband that were unbearable for goddess Sati. Not a single god or goddess supported goddess Sati or protested against the ill words spoken by Prajapati Daksha. This further infuriated goddess Sati and she sacrificed her body into the holy flames of  yagna kund. All the Shiv Ganas who were waiting out side the yagna pandal got fiercely furious when they came to know about the death of Goddess Sati in such a tragic and humiliating manner. They there and then destroyed the Yagna Pandal and drove out all the gods and goddesses. They beat all the guests very brutaly and killed many of them. Most of the gods and goddesses managed to flee. When lord Shiva was informed about the death of his dear wife, he instantly reached the Yagna Pandal and chopped the head of Prajapati Daksha with his powerful Trishul.




A.        Answer the following questions in one line:

a.            What is Kankhal famous for?

b.            Who was Daksha?

c.            Did Daksha invite goddess Sati and Lord Shiva to the grand yagna?

d.            What did goddess Sati do to teach her father a lesson?

e.            How did Daksha react to Sati’s anger?

f.             Did any one stand by goddess Sati against her father?

g.            What did she finally do?

h.            What did the Shiv Ganas do when they  learnt about the  tragic death of Goddess Sati?

i.              How did Lord Shiva punish Prajapati Daksha?


B.        Edit the following:

                      i.        Sushma did not went to the school                 __________

                    ii.        Yesterday, when I ask her the reason             __________

                   iii.        She tell me that her brother did not              __________

                   iv.        Wake her up in the morning therefore            _________

                    v.        She get late and thus did not get ready           __________

                   vi.        On time.


C.        Re- arrange the following:

                      i.        a /early/. /I /writing /very /at /stage/ started

                    ii.        not / in/ the/./ did /speak/ them/ Nidhi /party /to

                   iii.        Aruna/ to/? /did/ Jaipur/ why /yesterday/ go/

                   iv.        did /time? You/ where /first him /see

                    v.        this/ proposal/ also/ Nirmala/ did /like?


Word Power!

Write down the synonyms of the following- Honour, Omnipotent, Arrogant, Prudent, Furious, Fierce

Writing Skills!

Make sentences with the given words-Sacrificed, Chopped, Protested, Infuriated, cordially, Rebuked.


Past Continuous Tense

 This tense is used when we speak of:

  •   Actions in progress in the past-

She was reading all the night.

  • Two actions going on simultaneously-

 While the owner was sleeping, the workers were making a noise.



Affirmative: SUB+was/were+V1+ing+ obj.

Those days I was composing a new melody.

We were staying at a country cottage during the election campaign.

Negative: SUB+was/were+not +V1+ING+ obj.

They were not providing us the proper information.

Naresh was not feeling happy with his performance

Interrogative Positive: W/ H +was/were+ SUB +V1+ING+ obj?

Why was Yasmin taking medicine?

Was Anita going to gym regularly in January?

Interrogative Negative: W/H + was/were + SUB +not+V1+ING+ obj.?

Were Americans not participating in wrestling championship?

Why was john not taking interest in hi favourite cartoon series?


Story Based On Past Continuous Tense


My Visit to Vietnam

One day I was passing through a crowded market in Vietnam. People were crying out their wares to drag the attention of the passers by. A woman was selling fish, the another one was selling prone, a man was selling octopus babies, I was infact passing through a sea food market. Small children were buying sizzlers from the peddlers and women were haggling for prizes with various petty traders. I was not at all enjoying my stroll since I am a hard-core vegetarian. My friend, who was from Goa, was busy in eating different varieties of seafood. I was walking with wide steps to escape from that atmosphere. Suddenly,  I saw a child sitting in a corner with sad eyes, his eyes were searching someone, I went near him and lovingly caressed his head, he lifted head to look at me, I smiled and he too smiled at me. I then realised, he was holding a frying pan containing two little octopuse babies and was looking for a customer to buy them!


A.         Write the following answers in one line only:

a.            Where was the authoress passing through?

b.            What were the different people selling out there?

c.            Was the authoress enjoying her stroll? Why Why not?

d.            What was her friend doing?

e.            What was the child with sad eyes holding? Who was he searching for?


B.        Edit the following:

a.            Sudha were eating her favourite cheese sandwich when a _______

b.            Small boy come running towards her _________

c.            He was beg for the sandwich which she __________

d.            Was eating. She was not will to part with _________

e.            It but the boy were looking very pale and _________

f.             Thin so she gave it to him.


C.        Re-arrange the following:

a.            Nariman/ point /for/ was/ I /waiting/ you/ at.

b.            Was/ properly/ providing/ Ashim/ not/ the/. /information

c.            job /looking/ anita /for/ a /days/? /Was /those

d.            visit /staying /agra /your /Where /were/ during /last/ to/?/ you

e.            He /sincerely/ was/ very/. /working


Word Power!

a.            Circle the uncommon of the following group: Fish, Crab, Prone, Chicken, Octopus.

b.            Circle the antonym out of the following group : Stroll, Visit, Stay, Wander, Roaming.

c.            Circle the adjective out of the following set of adverbs:  Quickly, Smartly, Elegant, Surely

d.            Circle the abstract Noun from out of the following group: Girl, Fish, Child, Goa, Youth

e.            Circle the uncommon of the following group: Women, Trees, Men, Teeth, Geese.


Writing Skills!

                   Make sentences with the following words- Haggle, Hard Core, Caress, Realise.

                   Write down your experience of some past visit to a crowded market.


Past Perfect Tense


This tense is used to:

                   Show the completed actions in the past-

I have finished my homework.

                   Show earlier of the two actions in the past-

The terrorists had already surrendered before I reached the station.




Affirmative: Sub+ had+v3+obj.

She had sold off all the mangoes before dusk.

I had taught him the whole method.


Negative: Sub+ had not+v3+obj.

We had not received any information till dawn.

They had not shipped our order by that time.


Interrogative Positive: W/H + had+sub+v3+ obj?

Where had Pandava stayed for twelve years?

When had he celebrated his last victory?


Interrogative Negative: W/H + had+sub+ not+v3+ obj?

Had Panchali not mocked Duryodhana?

Why Had Burbury not fought for any of them?


Story Based on Past Perfect Tense

 Faith and Devotion

All the summer session had just finished. The devotees had already packed up their baggage. The last day’s sermon had already been over by the time we reached Kankhal. Swamiji had not yet finished his dinner so we had to wait out side his beautiful cottage. When Swamiji came out after having his dinner, we immediately stood up to show respect. I still remember, he was on the gallery above a small staircase of the opposite building and we were on the muddy ground, he was very seriously staring at my dry and battered feet. I was feeling a bit embarrassed. Slowly he came down from the staircase and complained my sister for arriving at a time when the whole session had already got over. She had explained her helplessness and had told about her busy schedule. He had then asked me if I was o.k. I had replied in affirmative. He had then turned his back  to talk with one of his staff. I  had dinner with my sister  and then we went to Mahila Ashram where we had got the room, it was around 10:30 p.m.

In the morning, Swamiji had already given ‘Darshana’ (to oblige with ones presence) to all the devotees when I reached the ashram; my sister had reached earlier and had already chatted a lot with Swamiji. I had to wait till 2.30 before I could finally have a glimpse of his highness. I had not taken a single grain till then. After having his glimpse I took my breakfast cum lunch in a nearby dhaba as the ashram’s canteen had already closed down till evening.


A.        Answer the following only in one line:

a.            When had the authoress reached Kankhal?

b.            Why had most of the devotees packed up their luggage?

c.            Where had the authoress waited with her sister to see her spiritual Guru?

d.            What made the authoress feel embarrassed when Swamiji came out?

e.            The next day, how long the authoress had to wait for Swamiji before she could finally see him?

f.             Had the authoress eaten any thing till she met her Gurudev?


B.        Edit the following:

a.            We had not yet complete our project________

b.            When our teacher call up and commanded us __________

c.            To change the theme and advise us to make __________

d.            Our new project with some eco friendly theme __________

e.            As we had already spend all our money over this ___________

Project explained our helplessness.

 C.        Re-arrange the following:

a.            already /station/./reached/ had/ Anita/ the

b.            We/ not/ the/ then/./formalities/ completed/ had/ all/ by

c.            On/ they/ time/ our/ Had/ received/ parcel/?

d.            To/?/truth/ had/ us/ this/ not /Why/ Noorie /disclosed

e.            Where/ before/ he/ Andhra pradesh/bag/ had /hidden /the /going/ to?


Word Power!

Find out the synonyms and antonyms of the following words- Faith, Devotion, Battered, Stare, Beautiful.


Writing Skills!

Make sentences with-, Respect, Embarrass, Explain, Glimpse


Past Perfect Continuous Tense


This tense is used to express:

                 Repeated action of the past-

She had been trying to reach there for two days.

                   For a past continuous action till a particular time-.

             He had been waiting for you since 3 o’ clock.



Affirmative: Sub+ had been+ v1+ing+obj.+for/since+ (time)

Ashima had been weaving this scarf for two days.

Ranjana had been preparing for the speech since Monday.

Negative: Sub+ had not been+ v1+ing+obj.+for/since+ (time)

I had not been visiting her since last January.

They had not been registering the new companies since last scam.

Interrogative Positive: W/H + had +sub+ been+ v1+ing+obj.+for/since+ (time)?

Why had you been working with a low profile group for two years?

Had he been taking piano classes since March?

Interrogative Negative: W/H+ had +sub+ not been+ v1+ing+obj.+for/since+ (time)?

Why had he not been paying his instalments since last August?

Had she not been selling household articles for three years?


Passage Based On Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Fighting For the Right!

Parneeta had been fighting for her rights since last decade, but no one was supporting her cause. She had been a student of law faculty Delhi before marriage, and had been working with an N.G.O for last five years. If a sound personality like Parneeta had not been getting justice for more than ten years, then how can an average or below average girl ever hope for anything favourable from our judiciary? Many such questions had been raised by our society since it was formed. Since no one had been raising such issues for a long time, the govt. was not aware of many such useless laws those had been forcing the people to use illegal means to get their boats sailing. Some courageous people had been challenging such laws for years but they too had their own limits.


A.         Answer the following in one line only:

a.            How long had Parneeta been fighting for her rights?

b.            What was her qualification?

c.            Who had she been working for and how long?

d.            Why had people been using illegal means for years to keep their boats sailing?

e.            Had anyone been challenging such laws for years?

 B.        Edit the following:

a.            Seena had been visiting this temple for last summer    _____________

b.            I had been distributing laddoos since many years         _____________

c.            So we had been see each other every Tuesday              _____________

d.            since our first meeting  in the Suryaansh institute         _____________

e.            before that she had not been worship any deity             _____________

f.             since her tragic failure.

 C.        Re-arrange the following:

a.            This/ been/ Sumit/ January /nice/ looking/ had/ for/ a/ job /since.

b.            Three/ months /him /We/ last/ sending /had/ been/ payment/ reminders/ for.

c.            Been/ four/ years/ with/your /he/ Had/ working/ company/ for?

d.            Namita/ for/ our/ had /two/ weeks/ ice-cream parlour/ not/ Why/ been/ visiting/ last?

e.            Been/ living/ he /days/ three/ for/ Where/ had /last?

 Word Power!

Match the following words with their meanings-

a.            Decade                                  A fair judgment and punishment

b.            Favourable                            Not approved by the law

c.            Illigal                                       Sympathetic

d.            Justice                                    A period of ten years


Writing Skills!

                   Make sentences with following words-N.G.O, Hope, Average, Challenge, Courage

                   Expand the following passage :

Last week our school celebrated clean and green day. All the students had been preparing for this day for many weeks. Teachers had been assisting their students for many days. ___ ____ ____ .


 Story Based on Past Tense


When lord Krishna came to Madhura after taking leave from mother Yashoda and all the gops, gopis,, cows, trees and his beloved Radha, he decided to wear royal clothes to meet his mother Devaki and father Vasudev who had been living under the captivity of Kansa since they got married to each other. They saw the royal washerman at the bank of river Yamuna washing the royal clothes. Lord Krishna asked him to provide some royal pairs of clothes, which he denied, lord Krishna’s elder brother Balram recognised the washer man. The washer man was none other than the one due to whom lord Rama had to part with his beloved wife Sita in Treta Yug. To take the revenge, Balram there and then killed the washerman with his heavy Musal (massive grinding rod). Afterwards, both the brothers decorated themselves with royal clothes to visit the royal palace of Madhura. To see their saviour princes, all the natives of Madhura came out of their houses. When Kansa learned about their arrival, he made all the arrangements to kill them. The dangerous wrestlers, the drunken elephant, the valiant warriors all were waiting eagerly to kill Balram and Lord Krishna. When both the brothers entered the royal palace, the giant elephant attacked on them but Balram ji killed it with just one mighty blow on its forehead. On the second entrance, the terrible wrestlers were waiting for them; both the brothers killed them in no time. Kansa’s loyal soldiers also got killed. After killing all the demons and evil soldiers of Kansa, Lord Krishna dragged down Kansa from his throne and killed him with his mighty blows. Every one rejoiced the killing of tyrant Kansa. Their father Vasudev and mother Devaki who had already suffered a lot, forgot all the sufferings of imprisonment and the painful killing of all their newborn sons who had been killed by the hands of wicked Kansa. They were now smiling with tearful eyes; tears were rolling down on their cheeks. They embraced their divine and mighty sons who not only freed them from the captivity but also provided deliverance to the people of Madhura from the tyranny of Kansa.


A.         Answer the following questions:

1.            Lord Krishna’s love was not limited to human beings only. Gokul as a whole body was so dear to Lord Krishna and Balram. Discuss?

2.            What did lord Krishna and Balramji decide to do first, after reaching Madhura? Why did they decide so?

3.            How did Balram react to the washer man’s disobedience? Was his reaction just?

4.            What arrangements had Kansa made to kill Krishna and Balram?

5.            What happened when both the brothers entered the royal palace?

6.            What happened at the second enterance?

7.            How did Krishna finally kill Kansa?

8.            ‘God sees but waits’ explain this proverb illustrating Devaki and Vasudev’s episode?

9.            Suggest a suitable title for this story?

 Edit the Following:

a.            Last Sunday I call up all my _________

b.            Acquaintances, I want to start our ___________

c.            New society, some already had give the approval__________ 

d.            Before hand and some was attending the seminar __________

e.            To know the details. Some did not even reply ________

f.             In affirmative or negative. They behave in a very coward manner______.


Word Power!

           Write down the antonyms of the following- Recognized, Denied, Saviour, Valiant, Warrior, Eagerly

   Write down the synonyms of the following- Giant, Tyrant, Throne, Mighty, Wicked, Deliverance,

 Writing Skills!

Write the story of ‘The Rabbit and the Tortoise’ in your own words.


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